Sunday, August 17, 2014

Engagement Invites

So while we were on vacation on the cruise my brother proposed to his girlfriend!!! So exciting! 
So we came home and I had to do something, so myself and a family friend threw them an Engagement party, so OF COURSE I had to pull out all stops on the invites for them. They turned out to be a big hit with everyone and became the basis for our decorations for the party.

My brother is obsessed with batman so I just had to play on that!

I took them and made them a postcard so it was quicker and easier to get out in the little time we had. The backside had the comic thought/talk bubbles to match the feel of the front.


Of course I couldn't stop there I had to surprise them with name badges for the bridal party that not everyone would know. The badges is what I probably had the most fun with! And Nadia loved them which was most important.



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