Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Family's Christmas Cards

Now that everyone has received them I can finally post the top secret cards!

Every year my mom's christmas cards are highly looked forward to by all that receive. So this year I presented an idea to her and it was chosen (first time ever YAY ME!) 
Of course we had to put them on the kraft paper after our coworkers looked so great on it, and matched envelopes with them.
We knew the picture probably wouldn't too great on the paper, 
so we opted to print them then taped them into the cards.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Abigail's Birthday Invites

A friends daughter needed birthday invites and knew the basis for what she wanted.
We just matched the colors to the party decor 
and BAM we had invites that were perfectly portraying for Miss Abigail's personality.
I was extremely honored to make them for her since I've known her since she was born.
Happy Birthday Abigail!!!